Monday, August 16, 2021

I Believe

Here are ten things I believe. This will be a regular feature on this blog.

I believe...
That all life is interconnected
That we are a part of nature, not separate from it.
That a truly civilized society treats humans and animals humanely
That not all traditions are worth saving
That history should be taught with the warts and all
That unpleasant history should be confronted, not avoided
That there is too little forgiveness in the world
That we don't always learn from the past
That LGBT people are born that way
That it is not important who someone is, but whether they are a good person or not.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

My Birthday

On Friday, July 9, I turned fifty-three. Where have the years gone? I was not expected to still be around at this age, so this is a victory against Duchenne muscular dystrophy. I am thankful to have been given extra life, even with all the challenges, frustrations, and disappointments with having DMD. No life is without some suffering. It's hard to appreciate life without adversity.

Saturday, June 05, 2021

I'm back!

I last posted on my blog four years ago. Back then I felt that I needed a break from blogging for maybe six months to get my writing mojo back. The break went longer than a year, and my motivation to return to blogging evaporated. I decided to stop the blog for good, But, then I realized I still have much to say, and decided to bring back my blog.